Here’s the scenario: you need a marketing or software project done on time and under budget. But just as you start, it seems like the budget is already being squandered, the resources aren’t sure where to start, and the project grinds to a halt. It sounds like you need a Project Manager! In this article, I’ll discuss why a Project Manager can help your project go off without issue.

A lot of times, Project Managers are undervalued and deemed as overhead. But the truth is, a good and professional Project Manager can be your guide to ensure success over-and-over again. Project management styles and backgrounds are incredibly varied, but finding the right Project Manager to fit with your goals comes down to determining what is most important to get your project across the finish line.

When considering a Project Manager for your project, the following qualities stand out the most:

1. Great Communicator
A solid Project Manager should be able to proactively communicate the good and bad with calm, with purpose and should be focused on the big picture. Being a great communicator enables the client never to feel like they don’t know what is going on with their project.

2. Budget Conscious
A staple of good project management is tying the budget to the effort involved. Being budget conscious will allow the Project Manager to communicate project status and how it correlates to the budget spent and the budget left. Being budget conscious sets up projects for financial success.

3. Goal Oriented
The goals of a project will determine the success criteria that the Project Manager needs to provide a positive project outcome. The Project Manager should be able to tie all project effort to predetermined goals outlined with the client.

4. Team Focused
A Project Manager should be empathetic to the team and client and walk the line between both sides. Focusing on the team will allow the Project Manager to be fair, confident and assure that the strengths of the team are being utilized to provide the best possible project outcome. Knowing your team’s abilities will better tie the effort to the project goals.

5. Flexible Strategy
Project Managers have to be flexible with communication, project engagement, and strategy. If the team is not operating at optimal performance, or the client isn’t feeling adequately engaged with, then the Project Manager needs to evaluate the progress and potentially shift the project management strategy to better suit the team or client. Being flexible with strategy will always ensure high client satisfaction, team engagement and project results

While having a Project Manager for every Marketing or Software project isn’t necessary, they can help your medium-to-large projects get across the finish line with solid strategy, communication, and budget management.
